Bryce Peterson

Inkjet Painting

Inkjet Painting



Artmatr Labs

As former Lead Engineer at Artmatr, I helped develop tools which merged robots, inkjets, and paint into unique artforms.


Printing + Painting

Printing has always been a revolutionary technology. The ability to reproduce information leads to the proliferation of knowledge and ideas. But is the printer simply a reproduction machine, or does it offer more to play with? We typically use modern inkjet printers to faithfully recreate pixels on paper. In this sense, desktop and industrial printers are a black box: file goes in, picture comes out. From the perspective of the artist, there’s something going on inside there which has the ability to create imagery on demand, and yet it is out of reach. At Artmatr I helped develop technology to bridge this disconnect between digital image manipulation and physical output, by working to reinvent the printer as a process oriented creative tool. When the painter and the printer take turns in the creation of an image, we turn a linear, predictable output into a cyclic, infinitely creative loop.




Artists In Action

Artist and Artmatr CEO Ben Tritt experiments in first tests painting with robotic printer X2
In early September (2018) artist Raghava KK spent a few weeks in NYC working in collaboration with the Artmatr team to create a body of new artwork featured in Artmatr's first open house and show. painting with Artmatr's robotic printer X2. Raghava KK created a series fine art works utilizing two of Artmatr's robotic printing machines: X2 and Sozo.
Starry Night - Machine Rendition, Work from MIT